Where does it fit?
Middle School Elective
Exploring Careers in Esports is the starting point of a pathway from Middle School to High School that explores STEM careers.
Middle School
Minecraft Education Courses
High School
Esports Electives
Game Design Pathway
Media Production Pathway
Digital Technology Pathway
Course Outline
Exploring careers in the esports ecosystem.
5 Units
50 Lessons
ISTE Standards
Common Core
Available in English and Spanish
Unit 1 · 11 Lessons
Explore Game Design
Introduces students to Minecraft Education, focusing on building techniques, game design principles and an iterative workflow. Students learn how to design and build their own parkour worlds in Minecraft Education.
Learn building techniques
Explore game design principles
Sketch and plan a mini-game
Implement mini-game based on design
Collect feedback and iterate
Unit 2 · 11 Lessons
Explore Game Development
Students work in teams to plan and build a competitive game in Minecraft Education. Building on a template, they will design game mechanics, implement strategic features and add visual details.
Work as a team on a project
Design and build a competitive game
Playtest and collect feedback
Iterate and improve game design
Write Player's Handbook
Unit 3 · 10 Lessons
Explore Game Logic
Implement more advanced game mechanics using command blocks and redstone in Minecraft Education. To increase player immersion in their game, students develop logic-based gameplay elements like power-ups, scoreboards, and automatic doors.
Trigger events with interactive components
Use AND and OR gates to create conditions
Add scoreboard UI
Complex behaviors using sequences of commands
Unit 4 · 9 Lessons
Explore Marketing
Explore the essentials of marketing by creating promotional materials for a tournament. Students will understand how to engage a target audience and promote their event effectively.
Develop a marketing plan
Create tournament invitation posters
Produce and edit game trailers
Build a portfolio of their creative work
Capstone Project · 9 Lessons
Organize Tournament
As a capstone project, students organize esports tournaments in Minecraft Education using the games they have built. To end the course, students take an exam where they can earn a certificate of completion.
Set up tournament structure and rules
Manage team registrations
Host the tournament
Earn a certificate of completion

Created By
Educators and Professionals
Exploring Careers in Esports is created in a partnership between Gameplan and Minecraft Education to give students more opportunities to explore careers through engaging Minecraft Education experiences. The course developed by educators and industry professionals.
Never taught with Minecraft before?
Minecraft Education Professional Development
Utilizing Minecraft Education in the classroom
District wide course launch
Full lesson plans and teacher instructions
Hosting servers in Minecraft Education
Access to Educators Community
Exploring Careers in Esports
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